Thursday, June 25, 2009


We've been having a great time at Backyard Bible Club this year. I think that Freda is having more fun than the rest of us. It hasn't been too hot...but Rachael has been eaten alive by fire ants twice. It was great to have Joy back last night.

I don't really have anything else to report...except that Rach promised that we'd order the menu at Taco Bell after everything is over on Friday night. I'm holding her to that.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

the good old days

My aunt Martha came to see me yesterday. She just came in for the night, but what a night we had! I love my aunt Martha. She jokes that I'm more like her than her own children. We had a great supper and a wonderful talk, and then the fun started...

Aunt Martha is Fred's sister. They're kind of hilarious when they start telling stories about the good old days. I got to hear all about them growing up, where the Baptist church used to be, and which tobacco warehouse in town had a fish restaurant in the basement. We stayed up too late laughing at their memories of the creepy old undertaker in town and the dentist who would drill your teeth without novocaine. They told all of the funny stories about their parents and grandparents, about the time that hurricane Hazel came through, and the time that my great-granddaddy found some drunk cows (I'll have to tell that one later...).

It was one of those nights that I'll think of years from now when I remember the "good old days..."


Friday, June 12, 2009

measuring up

We are busy. The NC Dept. of Agriculture proposals are killing us. So far our office has 23 proposals. That we know about.

Here's what our office looked like at 10:00 this morning. Note that I haven't even finished my breakfast...

The only thing left to do was to see who had the most work. So, like the mature professionals we are, we stacked up our work and measured the piles.

Roxie had 11.5" of work to mine and Ginny's 10.5". I guess that means she "wins..."


Saturday, June 06, 2009


So the rumors are true: I had to have a molar extracted yesterday. I won't go into the gory (well...aching and oozing) details, but let's just say that so far I'm fine. Everything is fine. I think I'm the only person in the world that convalesces next to an antique table with an Italian doily on it.

Just to show you how well everything is going, I haven't even cracked open the Vicodin yet. Don't hold your three is when the pain is supposed to'll see what happens tomorrow. If my next post here or on Facebook is know what I'm taking. So far I'm biting down on the gauze to stop the bleeding, brushing my teeth super gently, and drinking all the cranberry ginger ale I want. Just not through a straw. I'm not allowed to drink from a straw. I'm also staying in pajamas all day and not feeling bad about it. I just wish there was some football on...

In other news, Shirley is making some pumpkin pie custard right now. I'm pretty excited about it. (I think it's an attempt to dissuade me from making creme brulee...but I'm not really complaining.)

Gotta go...I think I heard the oven timer beep...


Wednesday, June 03, 2009

making hay

Did you hear that they're outlawing round hay bales? Turns out the cows aren't getting square meals.

Come know that's funny.

It's hay time on the farm. Fred has been mowing, raking, baling, and watching the forecast like a hawk. Oozey loves watching him mow the field across from the house, and it smells great right after it's been mowed.

Also, apparently there was hay to stack this morning. It makes me glad that I work in an office...
