Thursday, April 01, 2010

air walk

After a round of Prednisone didn't fix my gimpy foot, I went to see the orthopedist. He confirmed that the joint is fine, but the tissue around the joint is inflamed. Crazy, angry inflamed. He drew out a syringe of fluid for analysis, and then shot my ankle full of Cortisone and put me in an air cast. I'm going back next week for a booster shot before John & Rachael's wedding. I just need to be able to stand on it and wear regular shoes for an hour so I don't ruin their pictures. After that, I'm off to the rheumatologist for more tests (and hopefully an answer for what's wrong).

Speaking of said wedding, we're all still working frantically to prepare for the big day. Lots of festivities are planned...and I can't wait to see everyone! So...uh...that's about it for now. I was going to make an April Fool's joke about pulling for the tarholes, but there are some things that you just don't joke about...



At 1:45 PM, Blogger Monica said...

Sorry your foot is still inflamed! With the picture I thought your blog was going to be about your cat trying to walk on air!


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