Thursday, April 10, 2008


So today is Grandmother's birthday. It's hard to believe that she's been gone for 10 years.

She had the same thing for breakfast every morning: 1 scrambled egg, 2 slices of bacon, one piece of toast (which MUST be Merita white bread) with sugar-free blackberry preserves, and a small glass of orange juice.

She cleaned the house and washed the car on Thursday afternoon.

She had her hair appointment and went to the grocery store on Fridays. She would proceed to come home and thoroughly check her grocery list for errors. She would drive all the way back to town over a dime.

She financed my childhood one quarter at a time.

She made sure I had Stride-Rite Sunday shoes and wore a slip to church, and she always had a Luden's cough drop in the white box whenever I "coughed" during preaching.

She was the reason I got hooked on Oreos and milk, think of dressing as a snack, and still "x-ray" my orange slices for seeds before I eat them.

She always had Grape BubbleYum on her dresser...and it wasn't just for us grandchildren.

She's the reason I call out Jeopardy answers, even when I'm home alone.

She made the best butterbeans, pecan pie, and fried apple jacks that you've ever tasted.

I'm pretty sure I inherited my clean sheet OCD from her. Ditto on the teddy bears.

There's still rarely a day that goes by where I don't think of her, or quote her, or rip off her dance moves.

I wish you could have known her. She was truly an original.



At 9:31 AM, Blogger Kate said...

Carroll, I'm so glad I subscribed to your blog. Isn't it wonderful that we can carry memories of our loved ones with us forever?

Do people tell you that you resemble her? Something in the eyes, I think.

Here is hoping you have a wonderful weekend... :) K

At 12:55 PM, Blogger babyarnie said...

But Carroll, we DO know her. We know her through you. You are JUST like her :) And that young pic of her is you!! I miss my Grandma too and they carry on through us. Beautiful post.

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Lydia said...

What a sweet post! Lauren can't WAIT to see you today!

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sweet! And very well written.
Looking forward to the girl's weekend!

At 3:56 PM, Blogger Rachael said...

Awwwww. I miss my grandma....tears. She would send us to Campbells for a fish plate on Fridays and if the sides were wrong (OR ANYTHING WAS WRONG INCLUDING THE TEA...WHICH I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW IS INCLUDED). She would get all pitiful and send us back downtown to fix it. Her hair days were on Thursdays. I ran her car into the drive thru at the BB&T and she didn't even yell at me.

At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Grandfather passed away a few weeks ago... I am hoping that it will get easier as time goes on yet I know that certain things will always remind me of him. He was famous for his home made banana ice cream and could always be found with a cup of cornbread and milk.


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