Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I find these eerily similar. That's all I'm saying...



At 12:35 PM, Blogger Richpo the Unmagnificent said...

So, you've got some sort of problem with non-caucasians and/or Eurasian descent? Is that it? ;-)

At 10:38 PM, Blogger kareng said...

Oh, I thought it was the style of poster art?
Obama says it ain't so...but he did probably share his peanut butter sandwich and toys!
I hope that he realizes that Redd Foxx's wife was Elizabeth...

At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dare you to go a whole week without doing a political blog post.

At 8:13 AM, Blogger Carroll said...

not possible.

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Rachael said...

Don't do it Carroll. Anonymous is for quitters.

At 3:29 PM, Blogger Hannah E. Carson said...

Someone came in the office today with a button on that had that same Obama picture, so I quickly ripped off a printer label and wrote Mccain on it and drew his face (it was really just a stick figure) and stuck it on my lab coat. We aren't actually allowed to do this but I figured what the hey! It's a free country! They weren't amused.....I was :)

At 8:54 PM, Blogger babyarnie said...

I'm so glad someone else noticed this similarity!! I'm so sick of the lifesized propaganda photo in the window of the Obama headquarters beside the stinking Food Lion! Where in the WORLD are the McCain headquarters. They definately need a woman running their campaign.


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