Monday, July 23, 2007

everybody moooooove

The migration has begun. We moved all the books and DVDs, and I've taken a load of kitchen stuff over that I know I won't be using in the next few weeks. We started off by arranging the mantel. We were careful to only put the most important stuff up there:

We found a beautiful rug on now we have a spot to stick boxes when we bring them in. I don't want to chance scratching the floors. We did get all the books put up last night. I thought for sure the shelves would be packed (since Hannah's quite a collector), but our books don't fill up the shelves! I guess that's a good thing. More room for pictures (and maybe SNOW VILLAGE!!!).

Hannah hung half of her curtains. We bought blinds for the bedrooms...but ADD-ed out on installing them. I called my builder...he's having someone do it this week.

OH - quick programming note: They have moved our phone and internet to the new if you need me, Hannah, Oozey, or Frank this our cell phones. my cell or Hannah's. The baby kitties don't have cell phones.

And as always...bonus points if you know where the title of the post comes from...



At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOVE the rug!

And I know the title! I know, I know! :D

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Lydia said...

It's from some disco song.

Your house looks lovely- nice mantle decor, especially the Hitler book.

At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not think that quote means what you think it means (to be said in an Italian accent)

At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops, I mean Spanish

At 1:08 AM, Blogger azulalegria said...

The Princess Bride is of course the best movie ever! and the house is lovely - can't wait to see everything in person!


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