Monday, March 13, 2006

persistance of memory

You know when you have wierd dreams and they just mess you up all day? I had one of those last night and I can't get the dream out of my head. I guess the things you think about and talk about before bedtime really can effect what you dream about. I kept waking myself up and saying "it's not real...go back to sleep." But I kept having the dream over and over again. And it was a strange dream, too. It was one of those where it's kinda funny, but I just can't give you a synopsis here because it involves some of my favorite people in the world and it's really I'd better just stop typing to protect the innocent. It also wouldn't hurt to lay off whatever it is that is making Hannah have strange dreams. We need to find out what that is ASAP.

On a lighter note, my wierd dreams made me think of this painting, "La Persistencia de la Memoria," by Salvador Dali. He's a Spanish artist and the subject of my term paper for the Civilization of Spain class I took freshman year at Meredith. Just another one of those random memories that come up from time to time.

OK...I'm really done with this post now...


At 11:18 AM, Blogger Joy said...

ok, now i really want to know what your dream was about... you can't just say you had a wierd dream and then not tell us!

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Carroll said...

let's just say I can tell you in person...I just can't post it here...

At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

as long as i wasnt killed by pirates and the start of a food fight i'll be relieved.

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Carroll said...

you were in it...and that's as far as I'm going.

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Goingintoalltheworld said...

I think the absolute worst dreams are when you dream about work. I remember one night when I was working as a trailer salesman that I spent the whole night dreaming about one of my customers, and how I had been on the phone resolving problems, etc. The next morning when I woke up, I felt like I had been at work all day and needed a day off. Ugh!


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