Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Little Red Hen

Once upon a time there was a Little Red Hen. She asked her friends, "Who will go with me to get my pool table?" "Not I, " said the Cat. "Not I," said the Horse. "Not I," said the Dog.
So the Little Red Hen went and got her pool table. "Who will help me move the table into my henhouse?" she asked. "Not I, " said the Cat. "Not I," said the Horse. "Not I," said the Dog.
So the Little Red Hen and her brother moved the pool table into the henhouse. "Now!" she said. "Who would like to play with my pool table?" "I would!" said the Cat. "Me too!" said the Horse. "So would I!" said the Dog.
Since the Little Red Hen was a sucker, she let them all play anyway. She couldn't play with it anyway, since the strain from moving the table by herself had messed up her insides where she had major surgery.

The End


At 11:35 AM, Blogger Rachael said...

Did your Gall Bladder fall out again? That's really sad. I hope it feels better. Where did you put your pool table?

At 11:39 AM, Blogger Carroll said...

I'm getting it Friday. It's going in the forbidden living room. I'm spending this week getting all of the junk cleaned out and some furniture moved around. So...if anybody's available Friday...

Maybe I should see what Jimmy's doing. He's freakishly strong...

At 2:13 PM, Blogger Rachael said...

I would love to help but I'll be headed for the mountains Friday afternoon. Martha is going to help you in toddlers however. So you won't be totally alone on the battlefield.

At 2:40 PM, Blogger Carroll said...

Sounds good. I got the nursery letter. Very official. ;)


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