Thursday, September 08, 2005

Egad! here's the blog. It needs a real name. Any ideas?


At 10:21 AM, Blogger Rachael said...

A brand new blog. I'll bless it with the very first comment. Hmmm. What shall I say. Well, I could talk about my cats, or my horses. Or I could talk about Taco Bell and my unfailing love of Nacho Bell Grandes. But I won't.

-Tell Aunt Bee Goober says hey.

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Rachael said...

How bout-

"When Life Attacks"
"Put that bridge up so we can drive downtown"

"Country Mouse"

I'll think of more later. I have to eat.

Martha had a good one "Excuse me while I eat"

At 1:21 PM, Blogger Carroll said...

Country Mouse is kind of cute...We'll have to see. Let's get Hannah to weigh in.

At 5:21 PM, Blogger babyarnie said...

How about..... " my dog Max bites people!" ? Just a thought.

At 3:39 PM, Blogger Rachael said...

Hannah suggests



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